We're Back!
- Aug 10,2020
Return to Play Approved
We have made the difficult decision to move forward with return to play for U14, U16, U18 and senior boys and girls. We are not currently offering U12, U10 or U8. Consideration for younger ages who can play up will be considered on a case by case basis. Please email bluesregistrar@gmail.com if you do not fall within U14 but would like to play.
Training will run from August 11 to October 29
Tuesday & Thursday @ Streetsville SS
6-7pm: U14 & U16 Boys & Girls
7-8pm U18/Senior Men and Women
*Times subject to change as required
We are currently in Phase 2 of Rugby Ontario Return to Play. Note it is unlikely there will be any competition or contact for the foreseeable future. Training will run similar to Academy and will focus on skill building while following the graduated return to play protocols.
You must be registered to participate in any rugby activity. Those previously registered will need to do so again.